
Psychorama (or "The Precon Process") is the act of communicating subliminal information through film by flashing images on the screen so quickly that they cannot be perceived by the conscious mind.

Popular culture

In 1958, a film called My World Dies Screaming (later retitled Terror in the Haunted House) marked Hollywood's first attempt to make use of this technique. At different points in this film, a skull is flashed to inspire terror, a snake to inspire hate, two hearts to inspire love, and large letters spelling out "blood" to create fear. The following year, 1959, saw another film produced using this same format, titled A Date with Death. Both movies starred Gerald Mohr.

The technique of psychorama has also been featured in more recent films, including Fight Club. In the film, Tyler Durden splices images of pornography into family movies that play at the movie theater he works at as a part-time projectionist.

The band Evanescence used this technique in their Sweet Sacrifice music video. In it, images of bones, skulls, houses, fires, and videos of the band performing are flashed at various intervals.


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